frank mason
frank mason

Maestro Films presents:
"A Light in the Dark, The Art & Life of Frank Mason"
frank mason

The world's greatest works of art are being destroyed! Flamboyant painter, Frank Mason, reveals the scandal behind art restoration and fights to preserve our cultural heritage, culminating with the battle over Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel restoration. Colorful commentary by Tom Wolfe and Thomas Hoving will leave art lovers delighted and challenged.

frank masonfrank mason

frank mason

View trailer & Stream Online at the Maestro Films website.


Frank Mason shares stories and reminisces about his legendary Art Student’s League instructor Frank Vincent Dumond (1875-1955) in this May 2005 talk at New York’s Salmagundi Club. Spend an hour with Frank and learn about Dumond who’s combined careers make 100 years of teaching at the Art Student’s League.

frank mason

(Stream Online - coming soon )
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